Britten & Women

I curated this fascinating exhibition, which opened at The Red House, Britten Pears Arts on 24 March 2022. Find out more here.

I also curated three other exhibitions at The Red House: Queer Talk: Homosexuality in Britten’s Britain (2017); Britten in America (2018); and Such an Artist to Write For (2020-1). You can seen an online version of Such an Artist here.

Photographer: Sarah Bardwell


While working for Britten Pears Arts I organised and participated in numerous events including study days, dramatic works, and ‘happenings’. Events have included We Are Concerned…, a reading of the 1957 Wolfendent Report as part of the 50th Anniversary of the Sexual Offences Act; Paramore, a play (which I adapted with Pieter Lawman from Henry James’ Owen Wingrave) for Hightide Festival in 2016; A House on Middagh Street (written by Sarah Gabriel), part of the Aldeburgh Festival Pumphouse programme in 2018; and a celebration of Aldeburgh’s famous Suffragists on the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage in February 2018.

From ‘We Are Concerned’, The Pumphouse, Aldeburgh 2017.